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Johanna Heroes Of The Storm

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Data Page for Johanna
datedateJune 2, 2015
titletitleCrusader of Zakarum
infoinfoA Tank who shines against Physical Attackers and can effectively clear groups of minions.
loreloreThere have been many women who have borne the name Johanna in service of the crusade, and each has given her life to purify her faith. Johanna carries on their legacy as she searches the kingdom of Khanduras for the fallen star.
healthRegenhealth regen5.4687
resourceTyperesource typeMana
attackSpeedattack speed0.91
attackRangeattack range1.5
attackDamageattack damage99
healthScalinghealth scaling0.04
regenScalinghealth regen scaling0.04
adamageScalingattack damage scaling0.04
unitRadiusunit radius0.75
skillsskillssee below
talentstalent__see below
Johanna heroes of the storm guide

Johanna, based off the crusader class that was added into the Reaper of the Souls expansion for Diablo III, has been hiding in the current build of Heroes of the Storm for a while, but isn't. Our team had a Muradin tank, so I went Varian Smash build. The opposing team had Johanna. For the life of me, we could not get pass the Johanna to pester the backline, so I used my Smash on Johanna, hoping that we could burn her down quickly. This didn't get us very far but didn't hurt us either, and the tank scolded me saying not to use Smash on Johanna. I started smashing the backline.

Johanna, la Cruzada de Zakarum, es una tanque del universo Diablo.Muchas mujeres han llevado el nombre de Johanna al servicio de la cruzada, y cada una ha dado su vida para purificar su fe. Switchfoot songs. 1 Voice Lines 2 Interactions 3 Eliminations 4 Click-quotes 5 Commands 6 Pings 7 Collection 8 Miscellaneous 9 Abilities 10 Announcer 11 Skin-specific 11.1 Warsong Quotes marked 'Click-Quotes' are triggered when the player repeatedly clicks on the hero with the Left mouse button. Quotes in this section trigger when the player is in the Collection tab. The following quotes are skin-specific lines. The complete guide to playing Johanna in Heroes of the Storm with the best Johanna build, matchups, as well as stats on wins by map, by hero level, and overall Johanna wins over time. Bijoy 52 activation code 2014.


Iron Skin
Gain a Shield that absorbs 674 damage for 4 seconds. While this Shield is active, Johanna is Unstoppable.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Self
    Targeting: No target
    Cast time: Instant
  • If Shield breaks Johanna loses Unstoppable and any other benefits.

Heroes Of The Storm Johanna Quotes

Step forward dealing 113 damage and Slowing enemies by 60% decaying over 2 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Clamping, Slow
    Cast time: 0+0.125 seconds
    Radius: 3.5
    Arc: 160 degreesUsing Punish causes Johanna to minidash into the target direction. Roots prevent the dash behaviour, but do not disable the ability and prevent using it altogether.
After 1 second, Johanna pulls nearby enemies toward her, stunning them for 0.25 seconds and dealing 55 damage. Deals 200% increased damage to Minions and Mercenaries.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Delayed, Knockback, Stun
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 5
    Pull distance: 3.5625
    Pull duration: 0.1875 seconds
Shield Glare
Deal 59 damage to enemies and Blind them for 1.5 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Blind, Clamping
    Cast time: 0.125+0.125 seconds
    Radius: 12
    Arc: 35 degrees
Falling Sword
Johanna leaps towards an area. While in the air, she can steer the landing location by moving. After 2 seconds Johanna lands, dealing 210 damage to nearby enemies, Stunning them for 0.2 seconds, and Slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds.
    Type: Damage / Mobility: Teleport
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Clamping, Slow, Stasis, Stun
    Cast time: 0.5+0 seconds
    Range: 15
    Radius: 4
  • Instantly upon using the ability and while in air, Johanna is put in Stasis, making her immune to damage and removing most debuffs.
  • While targeting the landing area, Johanna moves at regular movement speed speed.
  • While in air, Johanna gains vision over the target area.
Blessed Shield
Deal 114 damage and stun the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. Blessed Shield then bounces to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 57 damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Bounce, Clamping, Skillshot (initial), Stun
    Cast time: 0.1+0 seconds
    Range: 11.25
    Width: 2
    Bounce search radius: 5.5
  • Bounces prioritize Heroes.


Using a Basic Ability grants 60 Physical Armor for 2.5 seconds.
    Type: Damage modifier: Physical Armor
    Affects: Self
Hold Your Ground
Increases Iron Skin's Shield by 60% and its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Ability
Laws of Hope
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Active: Activate to heal 30% of Johanna's max Health over 4 seconds.
Passive: Regenerate 1.5 Health per second.
    Type: Healing / Health Regeneration
    Scaling: - / 4.00% (regeneration)
    Affects: Self
    Targeting: No target / Passive
    Properties:Heal over time
    Cast time: Instant
    Tickrate: 1 / second
Eternal Retaliation
Lower the cooldown of Condemn by 0.75 seconds and refund 3 Mana for every enemy hit. Maximum of 8 targets.
Movement Speed is increased by 25% while Condemn is charging up.
Sins Exposed
Shield Glare marks enemies for 4 seconds. The next time any ally damages them, they take 90 extra damage and the mark is removed.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
Hitting 2 or more Heroes at the same time with Punish increases the slow to 80% and the Slow amount does not decay.
❢ Quest: Hit 4 or more Heroes at the same time with Punish.
❢ Reward: Punish always Slows by 80% and the Slow amount no longer decays.
Zealous Glare
Increase the Blind duration of Shield Glare by 1 seconds. Johanna's Basic Attacks against Heroes with Shield Glare extend its duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of 3 seconds.
Blessed Momentum

Johanna Heroes Of The Storm Talents

Basic Attacks reduce Johanna's Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
    Type: Attack modifier
    Affects: Basic Abilities
Falling Sword
Cooldown: 50 seconds
Johanna leaps towards an area. While in the air, she can steer the landing location by moving. After 2 seconds Johanna lands, dealing 210 damage to nearby enemies, Stunning them for 0.2 seconds, and Slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds.
Blessed Shield
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Deal 114 damage and stun the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. Blessed Shield then bounces to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 57 damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
Increases Punish damage by 25%. This bonus is increased to 125% whenever Punish hits 2 or more Heroes.
    Type: Damage modifier: Buff
    Affects: Ability
Holy Fury
Deal 12 damage per second to nearby enemies. Each hero hit by Condemn increases this damage by 40% for 5 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Properties:Area of Effect
    Radius: 3.5
    Tickrate: 1 / second
  • Disabled while mounted.
  • Does not affect unaggroed Mercenaries.
Blessed Hammer

Johanna Heroes Of The Storm Guide

Activate to create 2 hammers that spiral outward from Johanna, dealing 84 damage to enemies hit. Hitting Heroes with Shield Glare reduces the cooldown of this Ability by 8 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: No target
    Properties: -
    Cast time: Instant
    Spiral radius (max): 15
    Hammer radius: 0.75
    Duration: 3.5 seconds
  • Hammers spiral clockwards around Johanna, always starting from 11 o'clock and making 2 whole loops before reaching maximum radius and disappearing. Second hammer appears 1 second after the first.
Holy Renewal
Every enemy Hero affected by Shield Glare restores 114 health.
    Type: Healing
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Self
Increase the duration of Iron Skin by 2 seconds. While Iron Skin is activate, Johanna gains 8% Movement Speed each time she takes damage, up to 40%.
Imposing Presence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Active: Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.
Johanna heroes of the storm

Passive:Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
    Type: -
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemy Heroes & Summons
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Attack Slow, Slow
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 5
Heaven's Fury
While in the air, holy bolts rain down on enemies dealing 75 damage and reducing the cooldown of Falling Sword by 3 seconds for each enemy hit.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Delay: 0.25 seconds
    Tickrate: 3.33 / second (x6)
  • Hits up to 2 enemies per tick, chosen at random within the target area.
Radiating Faith
Increase the number of enemies hit by Blessed Shield by 2. Its Stun duration is increased to 1.75 seconds and all targets hit are Stunned for the maximum duration.
Upon taking fatal damage, gain a Shield equal to your maximum Health for 4 seconds. This effect has a 120 second cooldown.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Self
Blinded by the Light
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Active: Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 25% of their max Health for 3 seconds. Hitting Heroes with Shield Glare reduces the cooldown of this Ability by 8 seconds.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Allied Heroes, Self
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 8

Scaling at key levels
StatisticBase ValueScaling (%)1471013162030
Max Health2625427303070.883454.323885.644370.824916.585751.78513.92
Health Regeneration5.468745.696.
Basic Attack damage994102.96115.82130.28146.54164.84185.43216.92321.1
AbilityBase ValueScaling (%)1471013162030
Iron Skin6744700.96788.48886.94997.681122.261262.391476.822186.05
Shield Glare59461.3669.0277.6487.3398.24110.51129.28191.36
Falling Sword1834---270.88304.71342.76400.98593.54
Blessed Shield (primary)1144---168.75189.82213.52249.79369.75
Blessed Shield (secondary574---84.3794.91106.76124.89184.87
Laws of Hope (regeneration)1.541.561.751.972.222.52.813.294.87
Sins Exposed904-105.29118.43133.22149.86168.57197.2291.91
Holy Fury124----19.9822.4826.2938.92
Holy Fury (per hero bonus)4.84----7.998.9910.5215.57
Blessed Hammer844----139.87157.33184.05272.45
Holy Renewal1144-----213.52249.79369.75
Heaven's Fury754------164.33243.25
Use Damage Calculator for values at non-key levels. More information in Scaling.
Retrieved from ''
Johanna heroes of the storm

Johanna, based off the crusader class that was added into the Reaper of the Souls expansion for Diablo III, has been hiding in the current build of Heroes of the Storm for a while, but isn't. Our team had a Muradin tank, so I went Varian Smash build. The opposing team had Johanna. For the life of me, we could not get pass the Johanna to pester the backline, so I used my Smash on Johanna, hoping that we could burn her down quickly. This didn't get us very far but didn't hurt us either, and the tank scolded me saying not to use Smash on Johanna. I started smashing the backline.

Johanna, la Cruzada de Zakarum, es una tanque del universo Diablo.Muchas mujeres han llevado el nombre de Johanna al servicio de la cruzada, y cada una ha dado su vida para purificar su fe. Switchfoot songs. 1 Voice Lines 2 Interactions 3 Eliminations 4 Click-quotes 5 Commands 6 Pings 7 Collection 8 Miscellaneous 9 Abilities 10 Announcer 11 Skin-specific 11.1 Warsong Quotes marked 'Click-Quotes' are triggered when the player repeatedly clicks on the hero with the Left mouse button. Quotes in this section trigger when the player is in the Collection tab. The following quotes are skin-specific lines. The complete guide to playing Johanna in Heroes of the Storm with the best Johanna build, matchups, as well as stats on wins by map, by hero level, and overall Johanna wins over time. Bijoy 52 activation code 2014.


Iron Skin
Gain a Shield that absorbs 674 damage for 4 seconds. While this Shield is active, Johanna is Unstoppable.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Self
    Targeting: No target
    Cast time: Instant
  • If Shield breaks Johanna loses Unstoppable and any other benefits.

Heroes Of The Storm Johanna Quotes

Step forward dealing 113 damage and Slowing enemies by 60% decaying over 2 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Clamping, Slow
    Cast time: 0+0.125 seconds
    Radius: 3.5
    Arc: 160 degreesUsing Punish causes Johanna to minidash into the target direction. Roots prevent the dash behaviour, but do not disable the ability and prevent using it altogether.
After 1 second, Johanna pulls nearby enemies toward her, stunning them for 0.25 seconds and dealing 55 damage. Deals 200% increased damage to Minions and Mercenaries.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Delayed, Knockback, Stun
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 5
    Pull distance: 3.5625
    Pull duration: 0.1875 seconds
Shield Glare
Deal 59 damage to enemies and Blind them for 1.5 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Blind, Clamping
    Cast time: 0.125+0.125 seconds
    Radius: 12
    Arc: 35 degrees
Falling Sword
Johanna leaps towards an area. While in the air, she can steer the landing location by moving. After 2 seconds Johanna lands, dealing 210 damage to nearby enemies, Stunning them for 0.2 seconds, and Slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds.
    Type: Damage / Mobility: Teleport
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Clamping, Slow, Stasis, Stun
    Cast time: 0.5+0 seconds
    Range: 15
    Radius: 4
  • Instantly upon using the ability and while in air, Johanna is put in Stasis, making her immune to damage and removing most debuffs.
  • While targeting the landing area, Johanna moves at regular movement speed speed.
  • While in air, Johanna gains vision over the target area.
Blessed Shield
Deal 114 damage and stun the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. Blessed Shield then bounces to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 57 damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: Point target
    Properties:Bounce, Clamping, Skillshot (initial), Stun
    Cast time: 0.1+0 seconds
    Range: 11.25
    Width: 2
    Bounce search radius: 5.5
  • Bounces prioritize Heroes.


Using a Basic Ability grants 60 Physical Armor for 2.5 seconds.
    Type: Damage modifier: Physical Armor
    Affects: Self
Hold Your Ground
Increases Iron Skin's Shield by 60% and its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Ability
Laws of Hope
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Active: Activate to heal 30% of Johanna's max Health over 4 seconds.
Passive: Regenerate 1.5 Health per second.
    Type: Healing / Health Regeneration
    Scaling: - / 4.00% (regeneration)
    Affects: Self
    Targeting: No target / Passive
    Properties:Heal over time
    Cast time: Instant
    Tickrate: 1 / second
Eternal Retaliation
Lower the cooldown of Condemn by 0.75 seconds and refund 3 Mana for every enemy hit. Maximum of 8 targets.
Movement Speed is increased by 25% while Condemn is charging up.
Sins Exposed
Shield Glare marks enemies for 4 seconds. The next time any ally damages them, they take 90 extra damage and the mark is removed.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
Hitting 2 or more Heroes at the same time with Punish increases the slow to 80% and the Slow amount does not decay.
❢ Quest: Hit 4 or more Heroes at the same time with Punish.
❢ Reward: Punish always Slows by 80% and the Slow amount no longer decays.
Zealous Glare
Increase the Blind duration of Shield Glare by 1 seconds. Johanna's Basic Attacks against Heroes with Shield Glare extend its duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of 3 seconds.
Blessed Momentum

Johanna Heroes Of The Storm Talents

Basic Attacks reduce Johanna's Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
    Type: Attack modifier
    Affects: Basic Abilities
Falling Sword
Cooldown: 50 seconds
Johanna leaps towards an area. While in the air, she can steer the landing location by moving. After 2 seconds Johanna lands, dealing 210 damage to nearby enemies, Stunning them for 0.2 seconds, and Slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds.
Blessed Shield
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Deal 114 damage and stun the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. Blessed Shield then bounces to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 57 damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
Increases Punish damage by 25%. This bonus is increased to 125% whenever Punish hits 2 or more Heroes.
    Type: Damage modifier: Buff
    Affects: Ability
Holy Fury
Deal 12 damage per second to nearby enemies. Each hero hit by Condemn increases this damage by 40% for 5 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Properties:Area of Effect
    Radius: 3.5
    Tickrate: 1 / second
  • Disabled while mounted.
  • Does not affect unaggroed Mercenaries.
Blessed Hammer

Johanna Heroes Of The Storm Guide

Activate to create 2 hammers that spiral outward from Johanna, dealing 84 damage to enemies hit. Hitting Heroes with Shield Glare reduces the cooldown of this Ability by 8 seconds.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Targeting: No target
    Properties: -
    Cast time: Instant
    Spiral radius (max): 15
    Hammer radius: 0.75
    Duration: 3.5 seconds
  • Hammers spiral clockwards around Johanna, always starting from 11 o'clock and making 2 whole loops before reaching maximum radius and disappearing. Second hammer appears 1 second after the first.
Holy Renewal
Every enemy Hero affected by Shield Glare restores 114 health.
    Type: Healing
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Self
Increase the duration of Iron Skin by 2 seconds. While Iron Skin is activate, Johanna gains 8% Movement Speed each time she takes damage, up to 40%.
Imposing Presence
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Active: Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.
Passive:Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
    Type: -
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemy Heroes & Summons
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect, Attack Slow, Slow
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 5
Heaven's Fury
While in the air, holy bolts rain down on enemies dealing 75 damage and reducing the cooldown of Falling Sword by 3 seconds for each enemy hit.
    Type: Damage
    Scaling: 4.00%
    Affects: Enemies
    Delay: 0.25 seconds
    Tickrate: 3.33 / second (x6)
  • Hits up to 2 enemies per tick, chosen at random within the target area.
Radiating Faith
Increase the number of enemies hit by Blessed Shield by 2. Its Stun duration is increased to 1.75 seconds and all targets hit are Stunned for the maximum duration.
Upon taking fatal damage, gain a Shield equal to your maximum Health for 4 seconds. This effect has a 120 second cooldown.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Self
Blinded by the Light
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Active: Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 25% of their max Health for 3 seconds. Hitting Heroes with Shield Glare reduces the cooldown of this Ability by 8 seconds.
    Type: Shield
    Scaling: -
    Affects: Allied Heroes, Self
    Targeting: No target
    Properties:Area of Effect
    Cast time: Instant
    Radius: 8

Scaling at key levels
StatisticBase ValueScaling (%)1471013162030
Max Health2625427303070.883454.323885.644370.824916.585751.78513.92
Health Regeneration5.468745.696.
Basic Attack damage994102.96115.82130.28146.54164.84185.43216.92321.1
AbilityBase ValueScaling (%)1471013162030
Iron Skin6744700.96788.48886.94997.681122.261262.391476.822186.05
Shield Glare59461.3669.0277.6487.3398.24110.51129.28191.36
Falling Sword1834---270.88304.71342.76400.98593.54
Blessed Shield (primary)1144---168.75189.82213.52249.79369.75
Blessed Shield (secondary574---84.3794.91106.76124.89184.87
Laws of Hope (regeneration)1.541.561.751.972.222.52.813.294.87
Sins Exposed904-105.29118.43133.22149.86168.57197.2291.91
Holy Fury124----19.9822.4826.2938.92
Holy Fury (per hero bonus)4.84----7.998.9910.5215.57
Blessed Hammer844----139.87157.33184.05272.45
Holy Renewal1144-----213.52249.79369.75
Heaven's Fury754------164.33243.25
Use Damage Calculator for values at non-key levels. More information in Scaling.
Retrieved from ''
< Johanna
Crusader of Zakarum
Backstory:There have been many women who have borne the name Johanna in service of the crusade, and each has given her life to purify her faith. Johanna carries on their legacy as she searches the kingdom of Khanduras for the fallen star.

500 / 4,000
Crusader of Zakarum



120 / 75

120 / 75
Backstory:At Emperor Severus's command, an entire legion marched against the portal of the gods. All but one returned home, a single centurion taken as punishment for man's hubris.

160 / 100

160 / 100

160 / 100
Backstory:To join the Specialized Tactical Operations and Rescue Missions (STORM) Unit, prospective agents must meet drill sergeant Johanna's daunting requirements. Her family's long legacy as STORM officers makes it hard to impress her.
Features: Themed abilities, themed animations.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of Enforcer skins.

350 / 400

350 / 400

350 / 400

525 / 600
Backstory:With the Worldstone's destruction, a new generation of Nephalem arose. They were descended from both angels and demons, yet stronger than both. It was not long before the Nephalem's glory was fully realized.

120 / 75
Sacred Oath
Backstory:The crusader's armor is an emblem of their identity. Over the centuries it is constantly molded and reshaped to fit the needs and personality of its current master.

120 / 75

120 / 75

120 / 75
Backstory:While most spellbreakers serve in defense of Quel'thalas, Johanna has embarked on a crusade to purify the lands of Lordaeron, instead. She will not rest until her homeland is restored.
Features: Themed abilities.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of other universes merging into Warcraft skins.

350 / 400

350 / 400

350 / 400

350 / 400
Backstory:It is said that to face a Warsong Commander in battle is to experience the might of the Horde first-hand. Despite years of constant warfare, Jo'Hanna still charges into battle with a warcry that shakes the heavens.
Features: Replaced voice-over, themed abilities, themed animations.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of other universes merging into Warcraft skins.

750 / 1,600

750 / 1,600

750 / 1,600
Retrieved from ''

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